Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Tuesday 20th January

-> distance swum on Sunday: 1200m (50 lengths)
-> distance run on Monday: 4.19m (in 40m 51s)

-> coolest sight in the night sky on Monday: Venus
-> approximate temperature on Monday night: 0
-> Wind chill on monday night: perishing
-> out of darkness cometh light: the daffodils are sprouting

-> distance swum on Tuesday: 1200m (50 lengths)
-> rest day: Wednesday
-> pub quiz night: Wednesday

-> problem with PowerBook: not charging properly
-> diagnosis: needs a new logic board
-> cost of new logic board: £620
-> logic of putting a new logic board in a 4yr old computer: not much

-> days to skiing: 4

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Saturday 17th January

-> distance swum on Friday: 1,200m (50 lengths)
-> distance run on Saturday: 4.82m (44m 49s)

-> film watched last night: Transformers
-> verdict: silly but quite fun. Very confusing last hour
-> tonight's film: either Knocked Up or The Illusionist

-> tea: Loch Fyne

-> post of the week shortlist: is a good one. Go vote.

-> things I need to buy today: jeans, otrivine, high altitude sun cream
-> days to skiing: 7
-> snow forecast: good, with more snow on the way.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Thursday 15th January

-> number of minutes playing 5-a-side tonight: 105
-> amount of time in the game where I was irretrievably hopeless, contributed less than nothing, where my lack of touch constantly gifted goals to the opposition, and where I felt leaden footed and weary: 104m 59s
-> amount of time taken to score a brilliant last gasp winner with a backheel past the goalkeeper: 1s
-> football: funny old game

Wednesday 14th January

-> number of goals I scored at footie this evening: 2
-> general level of performance: poor
-> my beanie: too small

-> number of the top 5 Oscar winning films identified in the pub quiz: 4
-> the one that got away: The Return of the King
-> we put: The Fellowship of the Ring
-> even though: I knew that it was the last LotR film that won all the Oscars
-> go figure
-> that mistake cost us: 3 points (1 point + 2 bonus points)
-> our margin of victory: 2.5 points
-> and that was never a killers LP cover in the picture round either....

-> Earworming: "Tarzan Boy" by Baltimora
-> I'm blaming: the quiz Bontempi organ round
-> which also featured: Nirvana, Joy Division, Marillion

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Tuesday 13th January

-> dry spots on my forehead possibly induced by ski helmet: 1
-> dry spots on my forehead possibly induced by something else entirely: 1
-> ski helmet worn: on my sofa last night (obviously)
-> amount of time I will spend worrying about this between now and hitting the slopes in 10 days time: incalculable.

-> run: c.4 miles (35.13)
-> distance recorded on runkeeper: 1.52 miles
-> plot of my run: nowhere near where I actually ran
-> GPS: wonky?
-> soundtrack to run: Genius playlist based on "A Punk" by Vampire Weekend

-> number of carrots eaten today: 4
-> number of portions of fruit in my smoothie today: 2
-> fruit and nuts eaten today: half a jam jar full
-> my lunch: cold pizza

Monday, 12 January 2009

Monday 12th January

-> exercise taken today: none
-> well, unless you count the shoulder dips and things I do every other morning
-> but I don't

-> hours spent at work today: 10
-> productive time: more than usual
-> most productive time: 5pm - 7pm

-> price of Americano from Starbucks outlet in the office: £1.49
-> price of Americano at a normal starbucks: £1.70
-> price of fair trade Rwandan ground coffee from supermarket: £2.59
-> number of Americanos I would normally buy per day: 1
-> cost per year: nearly £300
-> estimated number of cups of coffee in the ground coffee tin: 30
-> number of natty combined cup/cafetiere things sat on my desk unused for 5 years: 1
-> number of coffee scoops sat on my desk unused for 5 years: 1
-> cups of coffee made today: 2 (I'm in credit already)

-> most watcheable channel on TV: Dave

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Sunday 11th January

-> 1008m in the pool (42 lengths)

-> Sunday newspaper I normally buy: The Observer
-> Sunday newspaper I bought today: The Sunday Times
-> bits of the newspaper I usually read: sport, music, arts
-> bits of the newspaper I read today: sport, music, arts
-> Sunday newspaper I will be buying next week: The Observer

-> weight lost over the last 10 years or so: 5 stone or so....
-> body shape changes in the last 10 years or so: lots
-> number of complete wardrobe changes in the last 10 years or so: 3
-> weight lost in the last couple of years: not very much, I didn't think
-> Number of shirts weeded out of my wardrobe today: 3
-> pairs of trousers weeded out of my wardrobe today: 3
-> Grotesquely large hockey shirts weeded out of my wardrobe today: 1
-> jackets weeded out of my wardrobe today: 1
-> t-shirts weeded out of my wardrobe today: 6

-> weight I want to lose in the next month or so: about 1.5kg
-> weight I actually need to lose: 0kg
-> in my head: I'm still nicknamed "chunky"

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Saturday 10th January (ii)

-> Bruges: it's in Belgium
-> "In Bruges": it's a brilliant film

-> "I Am Legend": good, but tense.
-> Dystopia: check
-> billions dead: check
-> but what about that dog, eh?

Saturday 10th January

-> distance swum on Friday: 1,200m (50 lengths)
-> distance run on Saturday: 4.29 miles (in 37.51m)
-> total distance run in w/c 4th Jan: 13.07 miles
-> total distance run in w/c 28th Dec: 19.66 miles

-> ski helmets bought today: 1
-> size of my head: massive
-> value I place on my massive head: enough to buy a helmet
-> weeks until I leave for the French Alps: 2
-> weeks until I leave for the Canadian Rockies: 10

-> music of choice today: Johnny Cash

-> films rented today: I Am Legend & In Bruges

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Thursday 8th January

-> number of minutes I played football this evening: 93
-> number of useful contributions I made in that time: 0 (I'd love to say it was the cold, but all the evidence of the last 20 years of playing would suggest otherwise)

-> number of colds given to me by C this year: 1
-> ailment currently being suffered by C: winter vomiting virus
-> lifespan of virus: about 48 hours
-> time C has had it: about 12 hours
-> days until her return from Paris: 1
-> how infectious is this virus: very
-> likelihood of her not transferring the virus to me: slim
-> sympathetic hugs she will need when she gets back: lots
-> sympathetic hugs she will receive when she gets back: lots. Well, some....

-> times I have seen this episode of Buzzcocks on Dave: about 8

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Wednesday 7th January

-> number of extra minutes spent in bed as I struggled to wake up properly after taking 2 Night Nurse capsules last night: about 45

-> breakfast: a piece of banana bread and a freebie Special K bar
-> lunch: crappy packaged Arrabiata pasta salad and pickled onion monster munch
-> tea: steak & kidney pie, mash and beans at the pub (yay!)

-> bottles of wine received as a belated xmas prezzie from teacher and pupils of the primary school where I help with reading one hour per week: 1
-> extra minutes I stayed after finishing to watch the 5 year olds learn multiplication using their fingers and noses: 10 (so cute!)
-> how much more useful the hour I spend at the primary school is than the other 36.5 hours I am contracted to be at work: an awful lot

-> number of the first five singers on the original Band Aid record named in pub quiz round: 4
-> the one we missed: Sting (we put Bono, and he was apparently the 8th to sing)
-> bonus points missed in that round: 2
-> Judas Priest tracks identified in the Bontempi organ round: 1 (Breaking The Law)
-> margin of victory in the pub quiz: 4.5 points (eat our dust, losers)
-> number of people in the pub wearing the same t-qualizer illuminating t-shirt that I got for Christmas: 1
-> t-shirt I was wearing: kukuxumusu barcelona t-shirt, well hidden by a big Roots fleece
-> team name: Michael Landon? Dead.
-> best team name: Admiral Insurance Are Thieving Bastards.

-> hot water bottles taken to bed: 1
-> likelihood of waking up to find the cat asleep on the hot water bottle and me hanging out of the bed with no duvet cover: a sure thing
-> number of early meetings tomorrow: 1
-> number of Night Nurse capsules I'll be taking tonight: 0

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Tuesday 6th January

-> number of Night Nurse capsules consumed last night: 2
-> number of times that the product name triggers an unfortunate Mick Hucknall earworm and not the Gregory Isaacs version, or indeed any other bloody version: every damn time
-> time awoken by C getting up to catch a flight: 04:30
-> awareness of time, place or my own identity at 04:30 in the morning when her alarm went off: 0
-> awareness of time, place or my own identity at 07:45 in the morning when my alarm went off: 0.1
-> optimal awareness of time, place or my own identity, on a really, really good day: 0.64

-> Temperature in Nottingham at 7pm: -4
-> Time I decided to go for a run: 7pm
-> total number of articles of clothing I wore for my run: 10
- cycling shorts
- full-length running tights
- shorts
- thermal long-sleeved winter running top
- windproof jacket
- fluorescent vest
- padded running socks
- double-layered hat
- gloves
- running shoes

-> Distance run: 4.23 miles (in 40.48 minutes)
-> number of times scared by a huge dobermann running alongside me in the dark: 1
-> number of times scared by my own shadow running alongside me in the dark: 1
-> most beautiful constellation in tonight's sky above Nottingham: Orion
-> Best Metallica song covered by Rodrigo Y Gabriela: Orion

-> number of times had an odd craving to listen to The Strokes: 1
-> number of times odd craving to listen to The Strokes resisted: 0
-> percentage of cravings to listen to The Strokes resisted this week: 50%

-> tea: a Pieminister PM pie
-> number of times I burnt my mouth: 1. ow!

Monday, 5 January 2009

Monday 5th January

-> Number of blogs I've started: 4
-> Number of blogs I've started as a result of a dream featuring Stephen King in my kitchen: 1
-> (this one)
-> (don't ask)
-> breakfast: 2 muffins, 1 with lemon curd and 1 with marmite
-> lunch: goulash soup, mini baguette, packet of Walker's Baked (cheese & onion flavour)
-> dinner: half a pizza express American Hot pizza and a bowl of salad
-> cups of coffee drunk: 1
-> cups of builder's tea drunk: 2
-> cups of blackcurrant & mint tea drunk: 1
-> hours at work: 9
-> proportion of time at work spent working: 50% (-ish... so a good day)
-> 1008m swum (42 lengths, c.25 mins)
-> silent curses hurled at new year resolutioners clogging up the pool: lots
-> number of times had an odd craving to listen to The Strokes: 1
-> number of times odd craving to listen to The Strokes resisted: 1
-> Terrible Natasha Bedingfield dance remixes endured: 1 (on the gym PA)

Sunday 4th January

-> run: 5 miles (45m 31s)
-> soundtracked by: The Clash (an 'on the go' playlist)
-> reading: "Britain in Revolution 1625-1660" by Austin Woolrych
-> reading out loud: "The Graveyard Book" by Neil Gaiman (to C)
-> newspaper: The Observer
-> film: "Iron Man"
-> most persistent earworm: "Career Opportunities" - The Clash
-> tweets: 3
-> pairs of shoes polished: 2
-> alcohol: none
-> 4 x Nurofen cold & flu
-> 1 x Fisherman's Friend
-> 1 x smear of Vic's Vapo Rub